Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Goodness of God – a book review

How many times have you heard the question, “if God is a good God, why is there evil and suffering in the world?” I always have had a simple answer for this, and that was “sin.” While sin is part of the reason for evil and suffering, I have learned there is so much more to this answer than just sin. How do we explain goodness? Randy Alcorn states, “The very act of calling evil a problem presupposes a standard of goodness” (p.39). God did not create evil, He allowed it. God created a perfect world, but He knew Adam and Eve would fall. We are born into sin, therefore, evil and suffering will take place in our lives. Along our journey we become more like Christ through our suffering. Alcorn goes as far as to say, “the best answer to the problem of evil is a person—Jesus Christ” (p.48). Jesus suffered the most humiliating death and took on Himself ALL the sins of the world, not just some, but all. He can empathize for anything we have or are going through. Because of Jesus, our suffering can one day end. We can live with Him forever, pain free. He will establish His kingdom again on the new Earth, where there will be no more suffering or evil. What a great end to the story! God is put in His rightful place in this book, as well as Satan and humans. God reigns over all and is in control.

The Goodness of God is a great book for understanding more about the problem of evil. Alcorn attempts to explain the problem from current worldviews, such as open theism, or atheism. He explains that these other views do not really have an answer but rather question the characteristics of who God is. This problem cannot have an answer without a Christian biblical worldview. I appreciate the interaction with some of the current theologies in today's world.

Having had some seminary training, I was a little concerned before reading the book as to how Alcorn would use Scripture throughout this book. However, I think his use of Scripture is dilligent, without proof-texting. Often when we hear a sermon regarding the problem of evil, the text always seems to land somewhere in Job. While the book of Job and his suffering is used in this book, it was not the main focus, which was a nice relief. The redemption of Christ from our suffering was a highlight as well as verses that stated as Christians, we will experience suffering in our lives. It's inevitable.

This book is a great read for understanding more about why there is evil and suffering in the world. It is simple, yet profound. I cannot even begin to summarize it as well as Alcorn. I highly recommend this book as there is most likely something new anyone can pull from it. For example, one of the comments that struck me most in the book is this: “Might God be limiting sin all around us all the time? If God permitted people to follow their every evil inclination all the time, life on this planet would screech to a halt...I believe God is in fact restraining a great deal of evil in this world, and for this we should thank Him daily” (p.59). This is one of those topics I hadn't though about before. Do we realize how much evil there could be? God is sovereign over all and is in control of this world.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

As Time Goes By

There have been so many days when I've wanted to make a post and I'm sure I won't remember everything now.  Here's what our life's been like lately.

Elizabeth turned one and a half a couple weeks ago!  I can't believe it.  Did we really make it this far?  Seems like such a short time ago that she was born.  It is so fun to see all the changes in her.  She is getting more and more fun as she understands more and is beginning to talk.  It's frustrating to not be able to understand everything she's trying to communicate, but I think that's pretty normal for this stage. 

This past weekend we left her with my parents for a few hours while we went to the Sweetheart Banquet at church.  This was the first time since she was born that we went out without her.  I'm not sure if that's sad or crazy or what.  She was okay for part of it, but I guess she screamed at the top of her lungs, like I know so well, when it was time to eat supper.  She didn't really eat much.  I thought that would have been the good time of the evening, since she is usually interested in eating.  At least she was able to calm down.  That is something that she was never able to do before.  It took being by mommy again in order to stop crying.  Progress.  She's still very attached, but at least she CAN function without mommy. 

Finally, we have our first bout with the flu, at least, I think that's what it was.  She threw up several times.  This is the first time.  She maybe had spit up a handful of times in her infancy, but has never actually thrown up.  It was really crazy to deal with.  So sad watching her go through it.  She didn't know what to make of it and seemed scared when stuff was trying to come out the wrong way.  I think it was a 24-hour thing.  She's doing a lot better now.  It's so nice to not have to change outfits six times in a day.  That was my all-time record ever!  I'm not one much for changing clothes throughout the day.  I've done 7 loads of laundry already this week!  Yikes!  I hope this bug has left our house and won't affect anyone else, or come back to her.  No fun.  Goodnight all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Next One?

Before I dive in, I'm trying to figure out what blogs are all about.  Are they for just sharing general information, updates on family, and so forth, or are they for complaining, seeking input, gathering ideas, or just whatever one wants to make it?  I don't want to always complain, as this pessimist has the tendency to do.  I want this to be beneficial for myself as well as my readers (if I ever get any).  I'm new to this blogging thing so I'm still trying to figure it all out.

Today, I am going to complain.  Sorry!  But I think those of you who have a young child over the age of 1 may understand.  What is it with other people's comments?  Actually, this happens throughout pregnancy as well.  People seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to speak their mind and give advice, or ask stupid questions of the pregnant woman, or make assumptions.  That's common.  Maybe this is just as common, but I haven't experienced it before.  People are asking about the next child!  Is it any of their business?  No!!  Just like many events that occur during pregnancy is no one else's business. 

We were at a family gathering this past weekend, and my aunt was bugging me about when I was going to have the next one.  I said not now rather authoritatively.  I am NOT ready for another one right now.  I love my daughter to pieces and wouldn't trade her for the world, but she is difficult, at least for me.  She doesn't sleep on her own, is still being nursed, is very attached to me, etc.  Until some of these things change, no next baby, unless of course, God decides to surprise us, but I think we've got that pretty under control.  Is it anyone else's business when we're having the next child?  We can wait longer if we want.  What if we were trying and having difficulty?  We're not, but I think I'd be quite offended by this comment and hurt as well.  It'd bring me back to my desires of wanting one which would be quite upsetting if we were trying.  I just can't believe how some people have the nerve!  Do you know what it's like having a child?  No!!  Stay out of it then!  My brother bugged me about this issue this past Christmas, as that's when we told the family last time we were pregnant.  I expect that from my brother, a little sibling rivalry, of course.  But he didn't pursue the issue either.  Until we feel ready and feel lead by God to have another child, we are NOT having one right now.  Sometime I'd like to be able to sleep more than a couple hours at a time and get some rest before lugging another baby around inside of me.  I think I'd go nuts if I were to be pregnant right now. 

Anyway, I apologize for the outburst here, but some people just need to keep their mouths shut.  Have you ever experienced anything like this?  How did you handle it? 

I'm off to get ready for bed now with my beautiful daughter.  Sweet dreams.