Monday, September 26, 2011

Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day-a book review

Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day was a difficult book to get through.  It offered some helpful suggestions for daily activities one can do, but this book was definitely not written from a Christian perspective.  I did not realize that when I offered to review this book.  The book offered some suggestions that could be helpful---things one doesn't normally think of.  However it also offered other suggestions that I do not believe are appropriate for a marriage.

For example, the book suggested a couple watch some porn together.  Really?  Porn?  For a married couple?  Aren't our bodies to belong to one another only?  Isn't it lust, adultery, a plain sin to be viewing pornography?  I had a serious problem with this and it really turned me off to the rest of the book.  The book seems to be highly focused on sex and seems like that is the reason why a person should work on their marriage daily, to get sex.  Seems to me that there should be much more to a marriage than that.

Maybe some people in the secular world would enjoy this book, but I really did not.  I could take away a few things from this book that might be helpful, but when I think about them in context with the rest of the book, no Christian perspective, I don't know that it is worth it.  I would not recommend this book to anyone I know.

I received this book free from the publisher for this review from